Can You Really Find Writing Jobs on Upwork? Improve Your Job Search

writing jobs on upwork

Upwork, which was previously known as Elance, is the granddaddy of the freelance writing sites. It’s been around for years and now has more than 18 million registered freelancers. While competition on this platform is fierce, rest assured that these aren’t all writers. The platform connects clients with graphic designers, transcribers and dozens of other types of professionals. While it is a popular freelancer platform, one question remains. Can you really find writing jobs on Upwork?

The Biggest Issue with Finding Writing Jobs on Upwork

Upwork connects clients and freelancers from all over the world. This means that many workers from ultra-low-cost-of-living locations can bid on the same projects that you do. An amazing wage for those works may fall well below minimum wage where you are. Because of this, one of the biggest complaints you’ll hear about this gig site is the low compensation. This is often followed by stiff competition. Many people bid on dozens of projects before finally winning a bid.

Whether you’re a creative writer, a blogger, a copywriter or another niche writer, one thing is certain. You need to know if scouring through job listings and writing proposals for each one is worth your time. Are you better off scouring Indeed or other job websites?

The average hourly rate on Upwork is $39, but this covers the full range of postings across all types of projects. Some people swear by Upwork, which means that you could be successful with the right strategy.

Tips for Finding Freelance Writing Jobs on Upwork

  • Some potential clients will ask you to include a special word or phrase in your response to the job posting. For example, they may say, “Type BANANA at the top of your response so that I know you read the full job description.” Often, this type of request is listed at the very bottom of the freelance writing job description. If you do not follow the request, your application may not be considered. Given the fact that you only have so many bids each month, you certainly don’t want to waste them.  

  • Some freelance writing job descriptions make it clear that the potential client is looking for an ongoing relationship. For these projects, assuming the compensation is right for you, consider buying a higher placement for your application. Before submitting your application for consideration, you have the option to pay more bids to be one of the first five applications on the client’s list. Considering that a client may not take the time to read 30 applications, being one of the first few applicants can be advantageous. 

  • Avoid bidding up for a one-time, smaller freelance writing job on Upwork. 

  • Read between the lines in the freelance writing job description. For example, if a college kid wants you to write an essay, this will not be a long-term relationship with repeat work. The job description may not say that, but it’s a safe assumption.  

  • Tailor your application to suit the freelance writing job description. It’s tempting to cut and paste a pat response, but this won’t win the attention or favor of the potential client. If the job description specifically states that editing is critical, your description should highlight your experience in this area. Do not assume that the client will take the time to read your full resume in your profile. You need to clearly lay out your experience (as is relevant for the position) in your application.  

How Freelance Writing Beginners Can Win Jobs on Upwork

When you apply for a freelance writing job, the client will see how many projects you’ve completed on Upwork. As a new freelancer on the writing website, this places you at a distinct disadvantage. Why would someone hire a beginning freelance writer with no experience versus someone with a proven track record on Upwork? 

You must approach this strategically. Avoid applying for any freelance writing that require you to have so much experience in a specific area or that require you to submit samples of your previous work (unless you have samples.)

Some job listings specifically indicate that they are looking for an affordable worker. Without experience on Upwork, your initial goal is to get experience. This experience will enable you to be more competitive down the road when bidding on larger projects or long-term/repeat projects. With this in mind, applying for the lower-paying freelance writing jobs is a smart strategy. You may even try to under-bid the other applicants.  

Getting Paid for Freelance Writing Jobs on Upwork

Now, when you bid low for freelance writing jobs, you may do the math and realize that you’ll earn less than minimum wage. This is normal when starting out, and it won’t be the case later when you have experience on Upwork and other freelance writing websites.

However, while you strategically want to build experience with these low-paying freelance writing jobs, you do not want to waste your time. A smart strategy here is to only bid on very short freelance writing jobs as you gain experience. When you complete five separate freelance writing jobs that took you three hours collectively to do, you will very quickly have five reviews under your belt.    

Be aware that experience with one type of job on Upwork doesn’t necessarily translate to experience with other types of freelance writing work. For example, if your Upwork experience is on freelance editing or proofreading jobs, you may not be the most competitive applicant for a freelance writing job.  

While you may be inclined to focus squarely on one top of freelance writing job, this may not be a good long-term strategy. By doing this, you are putting all of your eggs in one basket. I recommend diversifying your writing experience and building a balanced portfolio.  What should your portfolio look like? Check out this (free) example writing portfolio.

How to Make More Money as a Beginner Freelance Writer

Even with freelance writing experience on Upwork, you may go several days or longer between assignments if you choose smaller freelance writing jobs. Picking up long-term writing jobs is one way to avoid downtime. Another strategy is to take advantage of multiple freelance writing. For example, you could write on Textbroker or iWriter while you are waiting from responses on Upwork bids.  

When you are working on multiple freelance writing websites, pay special attention to the various deadlines for your freelance writing jobs. Missing a deadline is one of the worst things that you can do as a freelance writer. If your schedule is full for the next few days, avoiding bidding on more Upwork jobs until you have more room in schedule. As a freelance writer, downtime means lost revenue. Your goal is to optimize your time writing. With this in mind, you should start bidding on new Upwork freelance writing jobs before you are completely idle.  

What Other Ways Can You Find Online Freelance Writer Jobs?

  • iWriter

You might be able to find contract work through a job hunter website as well. After all, not every company wants to connect with skilled labor through these other platforms. Finding work through them is akin to the traditional job search process.

You’ll need a professional resume and a portfolio to apply directly with a marketing agency or another type of company. While you no doubt have some experience creating a resume, your experience may not extend to this niche. Competition for freelance writing jobs on job websites like Indeed and others is fierce. You need to set yourself apart from other freelance writers with an amazing resume as well as a writing sample portfolio.

Often, freelance writers branch out and work with multiple clients. Between Upwork and other sources, you can create an ideal work schedule and pay the bills.

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