About Writing for Money 101

Writing for Money 101 is a labor of love. All too often, aspiring writers and struggling newbies ask what they can do to be successful. They wonder if the window to get into writing has passed. Is there still money to be made? Established writers who’ve hit a snag can feel discouraged. Many who reach this point give up on their career, moving on to something they hate doing simply to pay the bills. Even successful writers struggle, often reaching a plateau and wondering if they’ve hit their peak already.

I’m F. Pendles. That’s my pen name, for the sake of privacy. I’ve been writing for close to two decades, and I’ve ridden the waves of the industry. I got my feet wet with content mills, and I jumped into writing directly for clients, SEO firms and digital marketing agencies. I’ve published several books, including both fiction and non-fiction. Two new titles are in the works. Because I love writing and am always excited to diversify, I also manage two blogs.

I don’t want anyone to give up on their dream of writing because they don’t know where to start or how to push an obstacle out of the way. Chase your dream. Make it happen.

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