Best Ways to Make Money Blogging: Niche Blog Monetization

Some bloggers earn five, six or even seven figures per month, but yours is making minimal or no income. Why? There are many ways to make money blogging, but each blog is unique. What works for Blogger A may not yield exciting profits for Blogger B. While many factors influence how much money your blog could ultimately make, your niche is one of the strongest factors. Understanding the opportunities for your specific blog niche is the first step to boosting blog income.

The Best Ways to Make Money Blogging

Not everyone starts a blog to make money. Some are in it for the love of writing, the joy of sharing their knowledge with the world or various other things. However, most bloggers have bills to pay. You don’t have to choose between blogging for money and blogging for personal enjoyment because the two can go hand in hand. There are several primary ways to make money blogging. Here’s a general overview:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Courses
  • Digital Products
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Display Ads
  • Physical Products
  • Services

Each of these monetization opportunities presents you with varying blog income potential. In addition to the specific niche you work in, these factors also affect money-making potential:

  • Traffic sources
  • Targeted audience size
  • Competition

How Much Money Can Your Blog Make?

So, exactly how much money can your blog make? If you research the matter online or speak to a few different bloggers personally, you’re likely going to get incredibly different answers. Some sources say the average blogger makes $30k to $50k per year. Others say the majority of bloggers don’t make more than a few thousand dollars per year.

Generally, blogs that are only a year or two old produce minimal income. (Think under a few hundred dollars total during that time.) Of course, there are exceptions. Having the right content and monetization strategies and optimizing traffic are some of the steps that you can take to get off on solid footing.

Why does the age of your blog matter? One reason is because older blogs simply have more content and links. Why can’t you just hire a freelance to write 200 blogs and pay for a few hundred backlinks? For one, quality matters. Two, Google wants to see your blog grow with regular posts and links rather than a sudden onslaught. The bottom line is that it’s going to take time.

Best Ways to Make Money Blogging By Niche

While it takes time to build a money-making blog, that doesn’t mean you can’t start working on monetization today. Some income-producing blog activities and avenues are better suited for some niches than others. What are the primary ways to make money blogging by niche?

Tech Blogs

  • Sponsored Posts
  • Online Workshops
  • Courses
  • Consulting
  • Affiliate Marketing

Make Money Online Blogs

Digital Marketing Blogs

  • Sponsored Posts
  • Software as a Service
  • Courses
  • Consulting
  • Affiliate Marketing

Personal Finance and Investment Blogs

  • Financial Coaching and Advising
  • Sponsored Partnerships
  • Digital Products
  • Courses
  • Affiliate Marketing

Wellness Blogs

  • Fitness and Nutrition Coaching
  • Sponsored Partnerships
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Digital Products
  • Affiliate Marketing

Self-Care and Personal Growth Blogs

  • Subscription or membership-based communities
  • Workshops
  • Coaching
  • Digital Products
  • Affiliate Marketing

Parenting Blogs

  • Subscription or membership-based community
  • Digital Products
  • Brand Collaboration
  • Affiliate Marketing

Lifestyle Blogs

  • Contract or freelance services
  • Digital Products
  • Sponsored Partnerships
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Affiliate Marketing

Food and Cooking Blogs

  • Digital Products
  • Subscription Recipe Delivery
  • Sponsored Partnerships
  • Display Advertising
  • Affiliate Marketing

There are many ways to monetize your blog, so don’t limit yourself to these options. If you’ve got something worth selling, your blog is the perfect platform to reach buyers.

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