Make Money Today: Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners

From your first Google search for “freelance writing jobs” or something similar, you no doubt came across platforms like iWriter, Textbroker and others. These are often lumped together with Upwork, Fiverr and Freelancer as top places for writers to find gigs. Rest assured that these are only some of the many resources to find freelance writing jobs for beginners.

When you talk to most seasoned pros, they’ll tell you to steer clear of these freelance writing sites. You might hear about insultingly low rates and how you need to get paid what your time and skills are worth

True. Very true.  

However, such statements fail to take into account the bigger picture. The fact is that you probably need to find freelance writing jobs for beginners with no experience. You don’t have any or many industry clients. You are starting at the basement level, and you need to climb your way up. These websites are easy ways to get your foot in the door.

Where to Find Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners 

As a new freelance writer many years ago, all of the tidbits of advice I found online said to use Craigslist and Elance (now Upwork). Now, Craigslist was a hard pass for me for obvious reasons. I chose to jump headfirst into Elance, and I don’t regret it for a minute.  

You’ll be sorely disappointed if you think you’ll make $5k or more your first month with freelance writing jobs for beginners. You have to start somewhere, and freelance writing sites like these give you a jump-off point. Use them. But, use them wisely. They aren’t necessarily your end game. (Although, they can be.) 

While these popular platforms are lumped together, they work in different ways. With Textbroker and iWriter, for example, you simply select an assignment, and it’s yours. There is no bidding. The pay rate has been established by the content mill. The mills have a rating system. As you gain more experience and prove yourself as a quality freelance writer, your rating will increase. A higher rating equals more lucrative assignments.  

If you put in the time to gain writer experience, you’ll earn more money.

Develop a Professional Strategy for Content Mills

Now, these content mills generally do not pay as well as if you were to find jobs directly. One reason for this is because they take a sizable chunk of the money that the client pays. However, if you qualify for the top rating tiers on these freelancing sites, you can make a solid income.

In addition, you can customize your rate for “direct order” freelance writer jobs on these sites. This means that even if the site pays freelance writers $3 per 100 words, you could charge $6 per 100 words. To make more money on freelancer writer sites, you need to earn direct orders by doing great work consistently.

If you’re stuck writing at a lower rating level for a while, I guarantee you that won’t pay the bills. If you use these writing mills, the goal is to climb to a higher rating as soon as possible AND to get regular work from direct orders.  At the same time, continue looking for regular clients outside of the content mills.


Upwork is a different type of platform that offers jobs for writers as well as other types of online work. You’ll need to sign up for an account, and there is a small fee involved. Once you create an Upwork profile with your resume and portfolio, you can start bidding on open jobs. Be aware that you have a limited number of bids each month, but you can buy more bids if you’re willing to pay the extra bucks.  

One of the biggest complaints about Upwork is that so many writers are willing to work for peanuts. I’m talking ghostwriting an entire book for $50. Upwork connects freelance writers and clients from all over the world. In areas with a lower cost of living, a fair wage to those workers isn’t close to a fair wage for writers in Europe, Canada, Australia and the U.S., for example.  

It may seem pointless to sign up for an Upwork account, but don’t write it off. Upwork does have a section for U.S. clients who are looking for U.S. writers. The winning bids for these freelance writing jobs for beginners are generally more reasonable. 

Competition is fierce on Upwork. Your bid may be competing against 10, 25 or more other bids. While some people may be searching for the cheapest freelance writer, others are searching for the most well-qualified professional writer. With this in mind, it is possible to win a few projects based on the portfolio and resume you’ve put together, by adopting a lowball bid strategy or both.  Check out this free sample writing portfolio.

When you want to know how to be a freelancer writer, it makes sense to bid at least somewhat lower simply to gain experience. I used this strategy, and it paid off. Initially, I did low-paying, one-off gigs. I did not make low bids on jobs with recurring work as I didn’t want to be locked into a rate that wasn’t sustainable for me.  

If you use Upwork, use it to: 

  • Gain experience 
  • Build your writing portfolio 
  • Find higher-paying, regular work 


Fiver is a little different. You’ll make a freelancer profile, add your resume and publish your rate. Then, you’ll wait for someone to approach you with a freelance writing job.

To make the most out of Fiverr, you have to be patient. You also have to create a winning freelance writer profile. Your profile is essential to your sales pitch. What makes you qualified to work on freelancer writer jobs? Do you have relevant experience? What sets you apart from others? Your profile needs to shine and stand out. It needs to speak to the client’s needs and expectations. More than that, it needs to be professional.  

What if you’re new to the industry and don’t have experience? You need an amazing resume and a solid portfolio.

With Fiverr, you can (and probably should) create different profiles or listings for the different types of freelancing work that you can do. Do a separate personal listing for ghostwriting, blog posts and other options. Why? First, your rate may be different for different types of jobs. Second, the specific skills and qualifications the client is looking for may be different. Consider this akin to adjusting your real-world resume to suit the job position that you’re applying for.  

Keep in mind that there are other writing mills and sites available to find freelance writing jobs. Generally, the competition for these writing jobs is getting fierce, and I imagine it will only get worse. Connecting with a specific client who is a good fit for you and who will pay a decent wage for writing jobs is not easy. It likely will take time and effort, but it can be done.  In the meantime, build experience and your portfolio with lower-paying work.

Remember, you only need a handful of regular clients to quit your day job. While you’re searching for clients with regular writing jobs, use the freelance writing sites and mills for one-off gigs. When you put in the work, you’ll see the rewards.  

Of course, you don’t have to use these resources to land your first client. You could scour job listings websites until you find the right opportunity. If you take this approach, have a professional resume and a sample portfolio to present.

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