Google Trends: The Unique Way to Conquer Writer’s Block

Writers often fight writer’s block far more often than they prefer to admit. When you think about writer’s block, the idea of a person staring blanking at a computer screen may immediately come to mind, but there is more to it than that.

In some cases, writer’s block creates a completely blank space in your brain. In others, though, it seems as though everything that you think is simply not good enough. It lacks the spark of creativity and originality that you want to project into your work. While there are many “cures” for writer’s block, there is one that you may have not yet tried.

Google Trends.

At its core, writer’s block often stems from a lack of inspiration or direction. This is where Google Trends comes into play. This tool is available at no cost, and it quickly tells you what the current trending topics are as well as the topics that are rising in searches.

When harnessed properly, Google Trends empowers writers to uncover fresh perspectives and discover themes that resonate with a wider audience.

Getting Started with Google Trends

When you first open Google Trends, you can click “Top Trends” to see a list of the most active searches. Currently, the top three are Pistons, Dallas Mavericks and Raptors. Chances are that the top three searches at the time of your search will not apply to your situation, as they don’t apply to mine right now. But that doesn’t mean Google Trends is worthless.

Through the filters and tools built into Google Trends, you can adjust your search based on a specific category, a specific location and a time frame. You can then narrow your search to a more refined niche that suits your needs.

What are people searching about landscaping this summer? Childcare in San Francisco? A 2022 Chevy Equinox? It’s all there.

What if you don’t have something so specific to work with? A writer specializing in technology might explore the latest gadgets or emerging innovations. By examining the search patterns and spikes in interest, they could uncover an angle for an article or delve deeper into a trending tech topic. Similarly, a lifestyle writer might find inspiration in trending wellness practices or cultural phenomena shaping modern living. In many cases, these may be topics that you weren’t familiar with yet.

Trajectories of Interest

Google Trends isn’t just about identifying popular topics at the moment. It’s about understanding the trajectory of interest. Essentially, it tells you topics that were once hot as well as how interest has grown in a specific topic recently. If you’re trying to hook onto an upcoming trend for a blog post, you need to use Google Trends.

You can observe the fluctuations in search volume over time, spotting patterns and seasonal trends. This insight allows for timely and relevant content creation, capitalizing on moments when certain topics surge in popularity.

Related Topics

Through Google Trends, you can also identify related queries and topics. This allows you to expand your understanding of a subject and explore tangential themes that might inspire new ideas. This lateral exploration could lead to unexpected and inspired connections, sparking creativity and providing a unique angle for approaching a topic.

Do you want to write a blog post for vegan cooking but think you’ve covered it all? It turns out you haven’t! Make a few queries for vegan cooking, vegan foods, vegan health, vegan recipes and others. For each of these searches, you can scroll down until you see a box for “Related Topics.” Some of these may be relevant to your needs.

Keep in mind that using Google Trends isn’t usually a one-and-done thing. You may start searching for vegan cooking, but that may take you off to a niche topic that you’ve never considered. Let yourself go down the rabbit hole, and you’ll be surprised by what you discover.

Compare Topics on Google Trends

Another effective tool is the ‘Compare’ feature on Google Trends. Through this feature, you can juxtapose multiple search queries, topics, or even competing ideas. This comparative analysis helps you make informed decisions about which direction to take with your writing. More specifically, it can help you prioritize topics that have a higher probability of resonating with your unique audience.

Google Trends can be an invaluable tool for writers, but it’s crucial to blend data-driven insights with your unique voice and perspective. Trends provide a starting point, but authenticity and personal expertise are what make content compelling and relatable. When you need an extra boost of inspiration, jump start your creativity with Google Trends.

Other Ideas to Break Writer’s Block

Change your work environment, such as by moving to a different room or turning on acoustic music

Work in 25-minute blocks with the Pomodoro Technique

Create productive habits

Check out a few writing prompts

Pick up a book for inspiration

Don’t call it writer’s block – or anything else, according to the American Psychological Association

Now, when that-which-shall-not-be-named strikes, you have some great ways to break it down and get on with creating wonderful work.

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