How to Build an Email List for Free

For bloggers, an email list is a golden resource. While many have been actively collecting contact information from their website’s visitors, others don’t have a clue where to begin. Others view the idea of sending out content via email as just another task to do on their already to do list. Is there really a benefit? How hard is it to build an email list?

Why Build a Blog Email List?

When you’re starting with zero names on your subscriber list, the thought of amassing thousands of contacts or more can seem downright impossible. Why would you go through the effort to collect your visitors’ contact information at all? When used effectively, your list yields impressive benefits.

Direct Communication with Your Audience

With your compilation of names and email addresses, you can create a regular newsletter. You don’t have to hope that your fans stumble upon your latest social media post or search engine algorithms place your content in front of them when they’re searching for something in particular. Your newsletter hits your fans’ inbox. They can easily check out your latest posts and be enticed to click a link.

Higher Engagement

All of the people who subscribe to receive your content are eager to read more. As a result, sending your posts directly to their inbox yields high open and read rates. You can get directly in front of your engaged audience and giving them what they want. This engagement drives brand recognition and builds authority.

Outside of the blogging world and on a broader marketing scope, 80% of companies today use email for marketing purposes. Why? Because it’s cost-effective and it works.

Increase Traffic

Without a subscriber list, your website’s traffic is at the will of social media and search engine algorithms. You’re traffic also depends on how engaged your audience is when they scroll through their feed and what they happen to be searching for online. Often, bloggers spend so much time and effort bringing visitors to their website without maximizing the benefit of that first connection. Why would you let that visitor click away and potentially never return again? Shouldn’t you extend an invitation to stay in touch? Absolutely!

Build Trust and Credibility

Having a database of subscribers doesn’t provide you with one-and-done benefits. You’ll need to tidy your list regularly by removing unsubscribers and bounces. However, most of the people who fill out your subscription form will continue receiving your emails and newsletters for years or longer. Over time, you build trust and credibility with your audience. More than that, you establish authority and become their go-to source for your niche’s content.

Enhance Monetization

Your ability to monetize your blog hinges on how much traffic your website gets. Regardless of your monetization strategy, such as affiliate links, selling digital products or paid ads, more traffic increases your likelihood of making sales and getting clicks. Your email list, however, doesn’t simply send traffic to your website. It sends visitors who you already have a level of trust and rapport with. These are individuals who you aren’t necessarily cold-selling to.

How to Build an Email List

It’s clearly in your best interest to build an email list, but how do you do it? Some people buy contact information and blast emails out, but you shouldn’t do this. First, the people on that list didn’t opt in to receive your content, so you’ll be spamming them. Most of your emails will wind up in a spam folder or a trash can, rendering them useless. You’ll also turn off potential visitors. In addition, you never know the demographics of the people on a purchased list. The best option is to build your list organically. Here are some options to build your list faster without spending a dime.

Offer Opt-In Incentives and Lead Magnets

For many people, handing out their personal email address is an invitation to get their inbox filled with spam. These people won’t be inclined to fill out a subscription form, but you can make it worth their while. For example, you can offer a free printable, an ebook or something else of true value to your visitors in exchange for their contact information. It doesn’t hurt to tell them how frequently you’ll be in touch and what value you’ll deliver in your newsletter.

Create Optimized Sign-Up Forms

An optimized sign-up form provides a clear value proposition. It has relatively few fields for the user to fill out. In addition, the sign-up form has a captivating design and is optimized for all types of devices. You also should put your sign-up form throughout your website in highly visible locations.

Offer Enhanced Content

While you could drive traffic to your website to view the latest posts, you can encourage visitors to sign up for a newsletter to receive bonus content. This may be tips, posts or other valuable items that are not available to unsubscribed visitors. Of course, you can also include links to the regular content on your website to increase traffic. While this is an effective approach, you are committing yourself to providing additional and unique content regularly.

Use Social Media

Your website isn’t the only platform available to get email subscribers. Use your social media profiles to push traffic to your website. If you aren’t already posting links to every piece you write on your socials, this is a great first step.You can also promote special features available through your newsletter and freebies available by signing up.