How to Thrive Freelance Writing in 2024

Whether you are trying to break into freelance writing in 2024 or you’re stressed about a decline in income, take heart that there are options available. For many people who earn money writing, the last year or two have been especially challenging thanks to the combination of several issues. Some writers have already thrown in the towel, and others are wondering if it’s time to do so. Before you do, take a moment to review other ways to make money writing.

The Challenges of Freelance Writing in 2024

I’ve seen and heard numerous established writers advise others not to jump into the market right now. Some have had long-time clients ghost them. Others can’t find new work projects or clients. They’re struggling and thinking about leaving themselves. What’s going on? Where did all of the jobs go?

Artificial Intelligence

Few writers will tell you that artificial intelligence hasn’t played a role in their professional activities over the last few years. Many clients turned their backs on talented writers with the hope of saving a few bucks through AI-generated content. More often than not, though, these clients learned quickly that AI-generated doesn’t get it. If humans are reading the work, the human touch is needed. Period.

The impact of AI extends beyond losing clients. Many people who aspire to make fast money have jumped in the field. These are people who may not have great writing skills and who only get in the business to produce AI-generated content. While some of these people have remained, others quickly learned that AI is easily detectable. Using AI is a surefire way to lose clients and get kicked off platforms. Nonetheless, people continue to flood the industry, even if they only stay for a short period of time.


While the AI-inspired “writers” are often quick to find the exit door, other new writers are stepping into the arena with the goal of putting in the work and making a career out of their skills. One reason for the considerable influx of new writers over the years is the growing trend of working at home. When searching for “work at home jobs,” freelance writing inevitably pops up in a list. Other reasons may be breaking free of the 9-to-5 cycle and enjoying the independence of being self-employed.

How to Pivot and Thrive Freelance Writing in 2024

These are true challenges facing freelance writers in 2024, but don’t throw in the towel just yet. Even when clients aren’t banging down your door in need of your services, there are some other ways to make money writing. Considered these opportunities:

Monetize Your Blog

Write Novels

Have you always dreamed of writing a book? Perhaps you tried your hand at it previously and didn’t have much luck. Writing a book is only one part of the equation. Book promotion after publication requires your full attention as well. Keep in mind that many writers also don’t make much money on their first book, but those who continue writing can generate a good income from royalties with persistence.


LinkedIn is one of your best resources when looking for writing jobs. This is where many companies in need of professional writing services post their job opportunities, so you can more easily find opportunities that will pay you what you’re worth. In addition, you can indicate that you’re ready to work and add a link to your portfolio to your profile.

Offer Consulting Services

While consulting may not be a realistic opportunity for new writers, experienced writers may have both the expertise and skills necessary to make a solid income as a consultant. Consider choosing a niche, such as services for bloggers or authors. Create a website specifically for your consulting business, and market your business on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.

Choose a Related Niche

If you can’t find a gig as a writer at the moment, consider pivoting to work as an editor or proofreader. While you can find these positions on various mills and writing platforms, you can also contact book publishing and distribution businesses to be added to their recommendations list.

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