How to Use Fiverr to Boost Your Writing Career

When you think about how to use Fiverr as a writer, looking for writing jobs may immediately come to mind. However, it offers other benefits that you may be overlooking.

Whether you’re a newbie or you’re eager to break a slump, you may have done what so many others do. You turn to websites like Fiverr to look for quick gigs. However, Fiverr isn’t really a platform that yields immediate results. You create a profile for your specialization (or several specializations). And you wait and wait. Some people make a killing on this website, and others don’t see a dime.

Finding gigs isn’t the only way for creatives to benefit from Fiverr. Let’s take a look.

The Many Ways to Use Fiverr

You don’t only have use Fiverr to look for new projects as a writer. You can use its many services to benefit you as you grow your freelance writing career. Let’s break this down.

For Bloggers

Buying blog posts is one of the more obvious options. Let’s face it – freelance writers and bloggers are busy folks. When you’re faced with deadlines on writing jobs, you don’t always have time to stick to a regular blog posting schedule. Yet posting regularly is essential for building followers and optimizing search engine rankings. The perfect solution is to hire help through this website when you’re in a pinch.

For Authors

Using a book editing service often comes with a 4-digit price tag. Hiring a book cover design company for your artwork may add several hundred dollars or more to the cost of bringing your text to market. Many hardworking and talented professionals are on Fiverr to do the editing, formatting, proofreading and designing work on your book. You could easily save hundreds or thousands of dollars by outsourcing this task to a contractor rather than to a full-service company.

For Other Writers

There are other ways to put the platform’s talent to work for you. After all, as a freelance writer, you undoubtedly enjoy writing. You don’t want to hire someone else to write for you regularly. More than that, you may not want to put your name on someone else’s work. However, when you’re working a big project, you could hire a pro to set up an outline, do research or edit your work. Having another set of eyes looking at your output before you send it off to a major client is always helpful.

For Your Website

Regardless of the type of writing you do, you need a professional website. You can find professional help with the entire website design process, or you can contract out small chunks of the work. For example, you can hire one pro to design your logo and another to create an SEO plan. While you are undoubtedly skilled at what you do, you (probably) aren’t an expert in everything. Outsourcing from of your website design needs upfront and using additional services to maintain your website down the line is a smart idea.

As writers, we often have tons of thoughts running through our heads, but we get bogged down in the technicalities of keeping up with a writing career. After all, there’s more to being a professional writer than just writing.

There’s no cost to use Fiverr Pro to find talent to help you. The professional services are relatively affordable, and you can easily browse through the profiles to find someone that suits your budget. Once you find the right person, you can drastically simplify the process of getting the help you need to grow your career.

What Can You Do When You Create Fiverr Jobs?

When you think about hiring help as a freelance writer, blogger or novelist, you automatically may view it as an unnecessary expense. In reality, though, you can add hours back to your week by finding skilled help. These are hours when you could be doing what you’re best at — writing.

How can you use these hours? You could:

  • Meet pending deadlines
  • Work on your novel’s next chapter
  • Update your writing portfolio
  • Start a new blog
  • Network with other freelance writers
  • Do something unrelated to writing, such as pursue a hobby, enjoy time with family or enrich your life in other ways

Writing for a living becomes far more enjoyable when you don’t have to worry about the mundane chores of the job. It’s even better when you can allow your creative juices to flow without getting bogged down in stressful technicalities. You can avoid frustration by hiring someone else to do those things you don’t want to do or that you simply don’t know how to do.

You’ve probably been on Fiverr a dozen or even hundreds of times or more looking for assignments to work on, but have you reviewed the many types of work that others can do for you? Because it’s free to sign up for Fiverr Pro, it makes sense to explore the many ways that its talented job seekers could help you expand your own career. Check out the types of professional services available and their rates. If you don’t have a need for those services today, keep them in the back of your head for the future when specific needs arise.