Why Write Unique Blog Content? Here’s 5 Reasons

A successful blog has fresh, relevant content posted regularly. Depending on the age of your blog and your goals, you may post between two to five times per week or more. Of course, blogging probably isn’t your main responsibility. When life pulls you in various directions, finding a few hours to devote to your site is challenging or even impossible. The easy solution is to copy content from a competing blog, but this should absolutely be avoided. Can you just spin one of your original posts? Nope. Here are five key reasons why you need to write unique content for every post.

Why Write Unique Blog Content

Writing standout posts yields essential benefits that ultimately impact the success of your website. What are the benefits of writing high-quality, fresh posts?

Serve Your Readers

There are more than 31 million bloggers in the United States and millions more beyond the borders. These active bloggers may operate two or more blogs in many cases. What does this mean for you? It means your website needs to stand out and be a better source for entertainment, cooking tips or any number of other things related to your niche. You need to be the best source out there.

Your readers don’t want to follow yet another site that says all of the same things that the other blogs say. They want fresh, relevant content that they can’t get anywhere else. When your posts are beneficial to them, they’ll sign up for your newsletters and updates. They’ll bookmark your pages, and they may even promote your posts to their friends, family members, co-workers or social media followers.

Essentially, unique text helps your blog grow.

Grab Readers’ Attention – and Keep It

What happens when your website visitors see the same old info that they just read on five other sites? Within seconds, they’ll catch on and click away from your website. When the text is unique, however, you’ll grab their attention and keep them reading. You want your readers to stay on your page and to click through more of your pages. More than that, you want them to become a fan so they follow your social media accounts and sign up to receive updates when you release future posts.

The matter of creating individualized, engaging stories and articles extends beyond simply writing better posts than what’s already out there. It includes not regurgitating your blog’s existing content. Your readers need to find more value from each click.

Be an Authority

Another essential reason to consistently cover new angles and information is to make your website an authority. An authority blog is the go-to source for niche-specific information. It is the ultimate source for information and is recognized for the quality and accuracy of its information. More than that, the information is up-to-date, so the website is always the best resource.

Plainly, if your website is loaded with text that has already been posted elsewhere, it can never be a blog authority. It is simply following behind the authority. When selecting a topic for your next piece, consider bringing an updated approach or the latest insights and future trends to your piece. You need to introduce newinsights, angles and information related to your blog’s niche.

Improve SERP Rankings

Search engines reward unique content with a higher placement on SERPs. Your website likely won’t outperform a high-ranking page if the search engine bots don’t view your site as superior. (Of course, your SEO needs to be spot-on as well.)

Often, bloggers don’t pay for traffic. While they use several different resources to drive traffic to their website, organic traffic from search engine results pages generally rank as a leading source. Do you want your content to be seen by more eyes? Make it beneficial and unique.

Establish and Grow Your Brand

Successful blogs are carefully branded, enabling them to be recognizable by their target audience. Branding is established by the logo, color scheme and font. However, it goes beyond this by appealing to a specific target audience. Your text plays a role in both establishing and reinforcing your site’s image. It makes a statement about what your blog is about and defines what your target audience can expect from it.

Each new piece of content that you create should reinforce your blog brand. When your content is comparable to other content already online, your brand becomes unmemorable. Your brand image may suffer as your work is viewed as unoriginal and unhelpful. When you write unique content for your blog, on the other hand, you incorporate your brand elements and messaging into your content.

What Is Unique Blog Content?

A unique post brings something new and fresh to the table. It’s not reworded jumble that’s been covered a thousand times. Instead, it’s content with all new material, a fresh perspective or something else that makes it original.

Let’s face it. Just about everything under the sun has already been written about. Unless you’re covering the latest technologies, reviewing a new product or focusing on current events, you won’t have many new topics to cover. How can you write something unique? First, review what’s already been written about your topic. Find a unique take on it, and interject fresh advice, steps or something else into it. While the topic may already be covered, you can write better and more comprehensive content.

While it’s common to lack time and energy to devote to a blog, you should never skimp on content. It’s the meat on your plate, so to speak. Give it the full time and attention that it requires.